Open Door Community Health Centers Statement on Reproductive Rights

Open Door was founded 51 years ago, with a core mission to provide holistic health services. We are committed to providing family planning and sexual health services, full-scope gynecology, and pregnancy care to patients across Humboldt and Del Norte Counties, regardless of circumstance.

ODCHC believes in reproductive freedom. We are committed to an individual’s right to have an abortion and to choose or refuse contraceptives. Restricting and/or denying these rights disproportionately affects communities that already face significant health inequities.

Open Door will continue to help our family, friends, and neighbors access the safe, timely reproductive health care they want and need. We stand in solidarity with providers of abortion services on the North Coast, in California, and across our country.

  1. We encourage our community to review the proposed amendment (Proposition 1) to California’s State Constitution, on the ballot in November 2022; it protects an individual’s reproductive freedom, including their right to choose to have an abortion and their right to choose to use contraceptives.
  2. We recommend that people review the Turnaway Study, UCSF 2020, which explores the social impacts of the restriction on abortion services.
  3. We also recommend that people review the California abortion access website for more information about abortion services in California