California Minor Consent Laws

Services you can receive without permission from a parent/guardian: Can a provider tell your parent or guardian without your consent?
Birth Control
(except sterilization)
Minors of any age No
Pregnancy Minors of any age No
Abortion Minors of any age No
HPV Vaccine Minors 12 yrs or older No
STIs, Contagious and Reportable Diseases Minors 12 yrs or older No
HIV Testing Minors 12 yrs or older and assessed as competent to give informed consent No
Sexual Assault Care Minors of any age Yes
In most cases an attempt to notify parent/guardian must be made.
Alcohol/Drug counseling by Federally Assisted Treatment Program
(including inpatient care)
Minors 12 yrs or older No
Parental notification allowed only with consent of minor.
Alcohol/Drug counseling by Non-Federally Assisted Treatment Program Minors 12 yrs or older Yes
An attempt to notify parent/guardian must be made, except when provider believes it is inappropriate.
Outpatient Behavioral Health Treatment Minors 12 yrs or older Yes
An attempt to notify parent/guardian must be made, except when provider believes it is inappropriate.